Forget what you think you know about pawn shops. It's an old industry with well established laws and success history. And like every other mom and pop industry with these qualities, the model is being turned on it's head by more sophisticated players. Just take Pawngo and Borro that have raised hundreds of millions of dollars to do collateral lending over the internet. Basically the customer submits his item (which must be valued...
It might not be able to send a picture which self destructs ten seconds later or search the web for any random question that pops into my head. In fact I can’t get it to save ANY information. That is not to say it won’t perform some pretty complicated functions. It will solve time and distance calculations; it will keep time, and even act as a stop watch. Besides...
Her name was Willy Rey. She came to us one day shortly after we first opened Posh Pawn San Diego. She was in the form of a mint condition, life size poster of a 1971 Playboy centerfold picture. She was beautiful. The owner wanted to sell, didn’t know the value, and needed our expertise. I assured him we were experts. Just not in playmate posters. Not wanting to pass up...